by Gita Savitri Devi


Top 12 Star Voices - Lennon & McCartney Songbook

Hi readers! You might know that I'm currently competing in a singing competition called Star Voices, you can check the website here. Yes I'm in the top 12 and this week I NEED YOUR VOTE for a hundred times, so I won't be eliminated! :P

So here how it goes :

  1. Go to
  2. You'll see my face and Twitter username there : @gitasav
  3. Click vote
The voting line will be closed tomorrow on Sunday at 6 PM (18.00 WIB). Please vote for me with any device you have! 1 device 1 vote, that's the key :D

For this week elimination round I'm singing All You Need Is Love. Since this week's theme is Lennon-McCartney Songbook, so this song should be good :)
You can hit the play button thousand times if you like haha, but most important you gotta VOTE!!



  1. Keren, rapih sekali juga aransemennya
    Goodluck git 😊

  2. Sudahhhhh di voteeeeeeeee :))

    Kalau lagi sakit aj suaranya Gini, apa lagi g waktu sakit yak!? -____- #salut


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