by Gita Savitri Devi


Life is Too Short To Impress Everybody

Life is too short to impress everybody.

Iya, you can never please everybody. So, don't try too hard. Tapi bukannya sebisa mungkin kita di minta untuk membuat sekeliling kita seneng? Sampe sekarang belom ada titik temu. Cuma jadi sebatas perabotan di dalam otak gue yang cukup abstrak ini. Apa gue terlalu berlebihan ya? Nyoba nyediain permintaan orang, tapi ketika gue minta sesuatu, nggak ada yang mencoba memenuhi. Ini sebenernya sepele sih. Cuma perdebatan antara "Jadi diri sendiri aja. Nggak usah mikirin orang lain. Peduli setan mereka seneng atau marah." dan "Lo harus ngertiin orang lain. Jangan maunya di ngertiin melulu.".
Sesepele itu sampe gue berdiri diatas batu ceper yang membuat gue steady. Nggak condong ke kiri maupun ke kanan.

Tepat di depan gue ada blackboard kecil bertuliskan "Nice to know you", tapi yang menarik perhatian gue cuma satu kata : nice. Sebenernya gue capek senyum ketika gue disapa orang, capek nyari-nyari bahan obrolan supaya lawan bicara gue nggak bosen, dan gue capek harus berpikir keras memberi saran ketika mereka curhat, supaya mereka men-cap gue sebagai good listener ataupun temen curhat yang ideal. Gue capek harus berpura-pura jadi temen ngobrol yang asyik.
Apa ada yang bener-bener menghargai siapapun gue, kegaringan gue, kesinisan dan kesarkasan gue dalam beropini, ketidakpedulian gue terhadap curhatan mereka, dan keogah-ogahan otak gue untuk bekerja dua kali lebih keras hanya untuk melontarkan guyonan-guyonan kentang agar mereka bisa tersenyum?

Wait, we do have to impress almost everybody around us. Because when you don't, they'll start to step away from you and you'll end up alone. Kenapa begitu? Karena people are cruel and they are such selfish creatures. Wanting to take but refuse to give back.
I apologize if you can't stand my sarcasm. If you're upset because of my words, is it me being mean or you're just too sensitive?

And I choose not to care about anybody's feeling.


  1. Selfish creatures who don't care about anyone's problem right?
    That's exactly what i feel right now! But i enjoy it. Hmm belum basi kan ya ?

  2. Pemikiran yang berlalu lalang itu kadang bikin ngerasa jadi aneh. Tapi dengan begitu kadang asik juga ternyata banyak jalan yang bisa dilalui dihidup ini. semua bercabang kalau nggak bisa stop ya jadi asik sendiri mikir pikiran yang ada didalam otak kita :)

  3. I think that really depends on you. First, ask yourself: do you feel the need to be liked by everybody? If no, then screw people, just be yourself, and don't give even the slightest damn when they don't like you, and cherish dearly those who do. But if you do feel the need to be liked by every single person you know, well, there's no other way, you have to please them and be nice all the time, even when it costs your own happiness of being yourself. It's one or another. Choose what suits you the best.


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